Water is an essential part of our survival. One of the things we learned in science class is that the human body is comprised of 70% water. Health advisers tell us that drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day is good for our body. However, we must also be aware of the fact that aside from sustaining life, water can also take lives.
Insufficient water intake or consumption of contaminated water can cause illness, serious medical condition and even death. That is why it is important for us to make sure that we are drinking safe and clean water.

For those who stay at home or in office places safe drinking water is always close at hand, tap water is generally considered as safe. But for people on the go, our next best option is to bring along bottled water wherever we go.
But what exactly is in our bottled waters? Here are some descriptions of common bottled water in the market today.
Purified Water or Distilled Water – this type of drinking water is commonly used in households or water stations in the office. It is simply treated water to remove bacteria or disease causing germs that may be lurking in your drinking water. The processes involved are reverse osmosis, deionization or distillation.
Spring Water – is water collected from a spring or through a borehole tapping the underground formation feeding the spring. Spring water has small amount s of small of natural minerals that nourishes our body.
Mineral Water – is probably the most complex bottled water, it is full of natural minerals which is highly beneficial for our health. There are some people who resort to drinking mineral water in lieu of food supplements. Mineral water should contain a minimum of 250 parts per million of total dissolved solids in the water.
I buy a lot of spring water myself. It tastes so much better than tap!
i prefer spring water, where my daughter lives u can actually get your own water from a natural spring
i do not drink hte water here it hard and then it has stuff in it and i use a filter on the faucet
I stick to bottled water mainly for drinking and I have to admit I was afraid to read this article at first, but you stated some great facts
We have well water where I live and it has been tested and it is good, but I still buy water to drink due to needing to drink a lot of water.
I live in the city, I love the taste of my water. I have a friend who comes over and she says it tastes like chlorine to her, I don’t taste it. She does live in the country and is used to well water so maybe that is why. We have a refrigerator that has a water dispenser and it has a filter on it, so that saves us from having to buy bottled water. We just have to replace the filter every 3 months or so, depending on the amount of water that we use. Also its nice because my refrigerator tells me when its time to replace it 🙂
I buy Spring Water we love it! I’m so glad you shared this review it was very interesting 🙂
In an effort to cut down on plastic and recycling we opted to get a refrigerator that has a filter for the water. We use that instead of bottled water.
I love the filtered water I get through my fridge. It tastes great.
I consume spring water everyday, because the company water supplier only used spring water as their raw material.
almost everytime i open my faucets, the smell of chlorine comes in loud and clear. i hope my new brita filter will take care of that.
I have an on-faucet filter and use a stainless travel bottle. I love not dealing with plastic and worrying about chemicals leaching into my water. Plus it’s environmentally friendly.